BECK index

James Monroe 1812-25 Part 2


by Sanderson Beck

Secretary of State Monroe & War 1812-13

Monroe & British War January-June 1812
Monroe & British War July-December 1812
Monroe & British War January-May 1813
Monroe & British War in June 1813
Monroe’s Report to Madison in July 1813
Monroe & British War August-December 1813

Secretary of State Monroe 1814-16

Monroe & War January-May in 1814
Monroe & War August-September in 1814
Monroe & War November-December 1814
Secretary of State Monroe in 1815
Secretary of State Monroe in 1816

President Monroe & Good Feeling 1817-18

Monroe’s Inauguration in 1817
President Monroe March-July 1817
President Monroe October-November 1817
Monroe’s Annual Message December 1817
US Banking Crisis Begins in 1818
Monroe’s Annual Message November 1818

President Monroe in 1819-20

Monroe & a Bank Crisis in 1819
Monroe’s Annual Message December 1819
Missouri-Maine Compromise 1819-20
Monroe, Jackson & Florida 1818-21
Monroe’s Annual Message November 1820

President Monroe in 1821-22

Monroe’s 2nd Inaugural in 1821
President Monroe in 1821
Monroe’s Annual Message December 1821
President Monroe in 1822
Monroe’s Messages in December 1822

Monroe & Foreign Policy 1823-24

Monroe January-November 1823
Monroe’s Annual Message in December 1823
Monroe January-May 1824
United States Elections in 1824
Monroe’s Annual Message December 1824

Monroe Retired 1825-31

Summary & Re-evaluating Monroe

Monroe & American Independence 1774-83
Monroe in the United States Congress 1784-94
Monroe’s Diplomacy in France 1794-1804
Monroe’s Diplomacy in England 1803-06
Monroe in Europe & Virginia 1807-11
Secretary of State Monroe 1812-16
President Monroe 1817-20
President Monroe 1821-25
Re-evaluating James Monroe

James Monroe to 1811 Part 1
James Monroe 1812-25 Part 2

George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison 1751-1808 & 1817-36
President Madison 1809-17
James Monroe to 1811 Part 1
James Monroe 1812-25 Part 2
Woodrow Wilson
Herbert Hoover

Wisdom Bible
Uniting Humanity
History of Peace Volume 1
History of Peace Volume 2
Nonviolent Action Handbook
The Good Message of Jesus the Christ
Living In God's Holy Thoughts (LIGHT)
World Chronology

BECK index