BECK index

President Madison 1809-17

by Sanderson Beck

President Madison in March 1809

President Madison in 1809
Madison in April-May 1809
Madison in June-July 1809
Madison in August-September 1809
Madison in October 1809
Madison in November 1809
Madison’s Message 29 November 1809
Madison in December 1809

President Madison in 1810

Madison in January 1810
Madison in February-May 1810
Madison in June-July 1810
Madison in August-September 1810
Madison in October 1810
Madison in November-December 1810

President Madison in 1811

Madison in January 1811
Madison in February-April 1811
Madison in May-October 1811
Madison in November 1811
Madison in December 1811
Barlow’s Letter to Madison in December 1811

Madison Before a British War in 1812

Madison in January-March 1812
Madison in April 1812
Madison in May 1812
Madison & War in June 1812

Madison’s War with Britain in 1812

Memorials Against War with Britain in July 1812
Madison’s War with Britain in July 1812
Madison & War in August 1812
Madison & War in September-October 1812
Madison & War in November-December 1812

Madison & British War in 1813

Madison & War in January 1813
Madison & War in February 1813
Madison & War in March-April 1813
Madison & War in May 1813
Madison & War in June 1813
Madison & War in July 1813
Monroe’s Report to Madison in July 1813
Madison & War in August-November 1813
Madison & War in December 1813

Madison & British War in 1814

Madison’s War in January-July 1814
Madison’s War in August 1814
Madison’s War in September 1814
Madison’s War in October-December 1814

President Madison in 1815

President Madison in January 1815
President Madison in February 1815
President Madison in March 1815
President Madison in April 1815
President Madison in May-September 1815
Madison’s Message to Congress December 1815

President Madison in 1816-17

Madison in January-April 1816
Madison in May-June 1816
Madison in July-September 1816
Madison in October-December 1816
President Madison’s Last 62 Days in 1817

President Madison & Indian Nations 1809-17

Indiana Territory & Tecumseh in 1809-10
Madison & Indian Nations in 1811
Madison & Indian Nations in 1812
Madison & Indian Nations in 1813
Madison & Indian Nations in 1814-16

Madison & Slavery Issues in 1819 & 1833

Madison on Slavery in March 1819
Madison & Coles on Slavery in 1819
Madison on Freeing Slaves in June 1819
Madison on Freeing Slaves in November 1819
Madison on Slavery in 1833

James Madison Summary & Evaluation

James Madison 1761 to 1800
Secretary of State Madison 1801-08
President Madison 1809-17
Madison, Indian Nations & Slavery
Re-evaluating James Madison


Copyright © 2024 by Sanderson Beck

Herbert Hoover

Woodrow Wilson

Thomas Jefferson

George Washington

John Adams

James Madison to 1808

Uniting Humanity by Sanderson Beck

History of Peace Volume 1
History of Peace Volume 2

World Chronology
Chronology of America

BECK index