Guides to Peace and Justice from Ancient Sages to the Suffragettes is published as a book. For ordering information, please click here.
Click on thumbnails to see the covers larger.
Amos and Hosea
Isaiah and Micah
Zephaniah, Nahum, and Habakkuk
Ezekiel and Babylonian Isaiah
Hillel and Philo of Alexandria
Early Upanishads
Kena, Katha, Isha, and Mundaka Upanishads
Later Upanishads
Samkhya and Yoga
Gautama Siddartha
Teachings of Buddha
Empedocles and Socrates
Comedies of Aristophanes
Apollonius of Tyana
Dio Chrysostom
Jesus the Christ
James, Clement, and Justin Martyr
Rabi'a, Al-Hallaj, Gilani, and Suhrawardi
Al-Kindi, Al-Razi, Saadia, and Miskawayh
Ibn Hazm and Ibn Gabirol
Poets Sana'i and 'Attar
Rumi's Masnavi and Discourses
Kabir and His Mystical Poetry
Nanak and the Sikhs
Cathars and the Inquisition
Arnold of Brescia and Peter Valdes
Hildegard of Bingen
Francesco of Assisi
Dante on One Government
Defender of Peace by Marsilius
Petrarch's Humanism
Langton and the Great Charter
Roger Bacon and Moral Philosophy
Chaucer's "Tale of Melibeus"
Gower's Poetry
Wyclif and the English Bible
Jan Hus
Chelcicky's Nonviolence
Erasmus on Peace
Menno Simons and Mennonites
Las Casas on the Spanish Conquest
Vitoria and Suarez
Crucé's Peace Plan
Grotius on the Law of War and Peace
Pufendorf, Wolff, and Vattel
George Fox
William Penn
Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
Penn's Peace Plan
Saint-Pierre's Peace Plan
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jeremy Bentham
Immanuel Kant
Channing on War
American Peace Society
Abolitionists and Garrison's Nonresistance
Emerson's Transcendentalism
Thoreau's Civil Disobedience
Tolstoy's Literary Career
Tolstoy on Nonviolence and Love
Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Women's Rights Pioneers and Grimké Sisters
Mrs. Stanton, Susan Anthony, and Lucy Stone
Mill, Pankhursts, and British Suffragettes
Carrie Catt and Alice Paul
World Peace Efforts Since Gandhi is published as a book. For ordering information, please click here.
Gandhi's Experiments in South Africa
Nonviolent Campaign for Indian Independence
Soul Force and Nonviolence
The Hague Peace Conferences
Wilson and a League for Peace
Versailles Peace Treaty
United States' Rejection of the League
League of Nations Progress 1920-1929
League of Nations Failures After 1930
Roosevelt and the United Nations Alliance
United Nations Charter
Nuremberg Trials and Geneva Conventions
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
UN Peacekeeping During the Cold War
UN Peacekeeping After the Cold War
Einstein on Peace and World Government
Schweitzer's Reverence for Life
Bertrand Russell and the World Wars
Bertrand Russell in the Nuclear Age
Nonviolent Activism of A. J. Muste
Nuclear Weapons and World Government
Grenville Clark's Peace Plan
Clark-Sohn Proposal for World Law
McCloy-Zorin Disarmament Effort
NAACP, CORE, and Desegregation
King and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
King and SCLC Campaigns
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
King Challenges Poverty and War
Chavez and the United Farm Workers
French Colonial Vietnam
American Vietnam War
American Lessons from Vietnam
Suttner, Courtney, Royden, and Weil
Jane Addams, Woman's Peace Party, and WILPF
Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker
Women Strike for Peace
Feminism and Nonviolence
Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma
Medea Benjamin and Code Pink
Protesting Nuclear Testing
Protesting Nuclear Power
Protesting Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign
Central American History
El Salvador's Civil War
Nicaragua's Sandinistas and Contras
Resisting Reagan's Proxy Wars
Costa Rica and Arias
Bush's Panama Invasion
School of the Americas Protests
Nonviolently Resisting Tyranny
Rebelling Against Soviet Domination
Gorbachev's Reforms and Arms Race Reversal
Liberation of Eastern Europe 1989-1991
Gorbachev and the Earth Charter
Luthuli, Mandela, and the ANC 1943-61
Mandela's Sabotage and Imprisonment
Biko and Black Consciousness
Mandela's ANC Negotiation with South Africa
Mandela's Presidency of South Africa
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Chomsky's Analysis of US Foreign Policy
Chomsky on Propaganda and Profits
Zinn on US History and Wars
Yugoslavia War
George W. Bush's War on Terrorism
Chomsky on US Hegemony
Clark on the 1991 Iraq War
Sanctions Against Iraq
Kelly on the Sanctions and War
Bush II's War on Iraq
Millions Protest the War Against Iraq
Global Emergency
Nonviolent Strategies
Democratic Revolution
Disarmament and World Justice
Sustainable Civilization
My Path to the World Peace Movement
Protesting the MX and Cruise Missiles
Networking for Peace
Nuremberg Actions at Concord
2003 Peace Campaign
World Peace Efforts Since Gandhi is published as a book. For ordering information, please click here.
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