BECK index / Contents / Index to Gospel Passages


Mark 2:1-12
Matthew 9:1-8
Luke 5:17-26

And entering again into Capernaum after some days,
it was heard that he was at home.
And many were gathered,
so there was no longer any room at the door,
and he spoke to them the word.

And they come bringing to him a paralytic carried by four.
And not being able to bring him to him because of the crowd,
they took the roof off where he was,
and tearing it out they lower the mattress
on which the paralytic lay.

And Jesus seeing their faith says to the paralytic,
"Child, your sins are forgiven."

And some of the scholars were sitting there
and pondering in their hearts,
"Why does this one speak thus? He blasphemes.
Who can forgive sins except God alone?"

And Jesus immediately recognizing in his spirit
that they were pondering thus within themselves,
says to them, "Why do you ponder these things in your hearts?
Which is easier:
to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,'
or to say, 'Rise and pick up your mattress and walk'?
But so that you may know
that the human son has authority to forgive sins on earth,"
he says to the paralytic, "I tell you, rise,
pick up your mattress and go into your home."

And he rose and immediately picking up the mattress
he went out before all,
so that everyone was amazed and praised God
saying, "We never saw anything like this."
Mark 2:1-12

And embarking in a boat he crossed over,
and came into his own town.
And look, they brought to him a paralytic lying on a bed.
And Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic,
"Have courage, child; your sins are forgiven."

And look, some of the scholars said among themselves,
"This one blasphemes."

And Jesus aware of their thoughts said,
"Why do you think bad things in your hearts?
For which is easier:
to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,'
or to say, 'Rise and walk'?
But so that you may know that
the human son has authority on earth to forgive sins:"
then he says to the paralytic, "Rise,
pick up your bed and go into your home."

And rising he went away into his home.
And the crowd seeing was afraid and praised God
for giving such authority to humans.
Matthew 9:1-8

And it happened on one of the days he was teaching
that Pharisees and law-teachers were sitting
who had come from every village
of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem;
and the power of the Lord was in him to cure.
And look, men were carrying on a bed a person who was paralyzed,
and they tried to bring him in and lay him before him.
And not finding how they could bring him in because of the crowd,
going up on the roof they let him down with the bed
through the tiles in the middle in front of Jesus.

And seeing their faith he said,
"Human, your sins are forgiven you."

And the scholars and the Pharisees began to argue
saying, "Who can forgive sins except God alone?"

But Jesus recognizing their arguments,
answering said to them, "Why do you argue in your hearts?
Which is easier:
to say, 'Your sins have been forgiven you,'
or to say, 'Rise and walk'?
But so that you may know that
the human son has authority on earth to forgive sins,"
he said to the one paralyzed, "I tell you, rise,
and picking up your bed go into your home."

And standing up at once before them,
picking up what he was lying on,
he went away into his home praising God.
And bewilderment took them all,
and they praised God and were filled with awe
saying, "We saw wonderful things today."
Luke 5:17-26

22. Jesus Heals a Paralytic Synthesis 22 * Interpretation 22
23. Jesus Dines with Sinners Harmony 23 * Synthesis 23 * Interpretation 23